The EU´s Chairmanship of the Kimberley Process – a great opportunity for sustainable growth and prosperity

The European Union Chairmanship of the Kimberley Process in 2018 should be an opportunity to foster consensus towards a progressive way forward in terms of reviewing and reforming the mechanism, reflects Iuliu Winkler, Vice-Chair of the International Trade Committee (INTA) in the European Parliament (EP), during a meeting with Hilde Hardeman, Head of the European …


#FutureOfEurope debate #Strasbourg with Emmanuel Macron

Your campaign, Mr President Macron, l’Europe en marche! reminds us that indeed, we Europeans are all in march confronting several battles, which we better win if we want our Union to last for the generations to come. The greatest battle of all is the one with the enormous disparities, the ever rising inequality and the …


Happy Easter!

May you feel the hope of new beginnings, love and happiness during this joyful Easter holiday.


Romania will be considerably affected by a trade war with the U.S.

Romania belongs to those EU countries that will be considerably affected by the U.S. duties on steel and aluminium imports from the EU, declared MEP Iuliu WINKLER, Vice-Chair of the Committee on International Trade (INTA) in the European Parliament, in a press conference in Deva, on Monday. According to the RMDSZ MEP, in 2017, Romania´s …


More effective EU trade policy for sustainable development goals

The European Union (EU) needs to strive for an efficient implementation of provisions found in the Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) Chapters within EU Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), stated Member of European Parliament (MEP) Iuliu Winkler, in the Tuesday evening Strasbourg Plenary sitting. The RMDSZ MEP, Vice-Chair of the Committee on International Trade (INTA), has …


Copenhagen Dilemma has to be solved

President Juncker, you said: “The rule of law is not optional in the European Union. It is a must.” I agree, and I ask: Is it not high time that the EU solves the Copenhagen Dilemma? The EU membership criteria laid down in 1993 in Copenhagen require that any candidate country implements the rule of …


Winkler: The new Education Law in Ukraine is hostile to minorities and contradicts European values

MEP Iuliu Winkler (RMDSZ, EPP) took a stand for the rights of Hungarians and Romanians in Ukraine to receive education in their mother tongue, as part of a political statement, which he held on Monday evening in the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. On this occasion, the MEP appealed to Ukrainian President …


Aid for Trade could become vital in the EU´s migration strategy

The European Union (EU) needs a new and enhanced strategy on Aid for Trade (AfD) because supporting trade is essential in promoting development in the world’s least developed regions and countries, underlines MEP Iuliu Winkler (RMDSZ, EPP), Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA). The European Parliament hosted on Thursday a Joint …


‘Protectors of our Heritage’, a worthy example in Europe

  Fifty students and teachers from Brasov, Cluj and Deva were invitees of Iuliu Winkler, MEP (RMDSZ, EPP), at a conference organized in the European Parliament in Brussels, which aimed to share best practices acquired within the “Protectors of Our Heritage – Adopt a Monument” Program; this initiative targets the safeguarding of the historical and …


For the success of the “Minority Safe Pack” initiative, civic action and political undertakings need to be coordinated

It is an honour for me to address representatives of over 90 member organizations across Europe, representing national minorities, ethnic communities and linguistic groups gathered this week in Cluj to discuss the future of their communities and make important decisions about the ways in which, by acting together, we can make this future more secure. Iuliu Winkler`s speech at the FUEN Congress.
