European Commission thwarts Citizens’ Initiative for Minority Rights in the EU

Now more than ever!

European Commission thwarts Citizens’ Initiative for Minority Rights in the EU Minority SafePack Initiative

FUEN president Hans Heinrich Hansen and MEP Iuliu Winkler would like to invite you for an open discussion in the European Parliament.

Representatives of several European minorities and regional and minority language communities want to celebrate 26 September 2013 – the European Day of Languages. We had in mind to celebrate linguistic diversity and to start with our European Citizens’ Initiative – the Minority SafePack. But the European Commission put a spoke in our wheel (for the time being).

We invite you to debate the best way we can respond to the European Commission´s rejection and to continue our struggle of our legal, political and moral rights regarding language and cultural diversity in Europe.

11.00 – 13.00 hrs – Room A 5 F 385

Hans Heinrich Hansen                                          Iuliu Winkler
FUEN President                                                   Member of the European Parliament