“Copenhagen dilemma” needs a swift solution

The “Copenhagen dilemma” must be solved in the sense in which the EU Member States, just as candidate countries, to comply with the political criteria regarding the protection of minority rights and/or religious belief, considers MEP Iuliu Winkler (RMDSZ, EPP).
The European Parliament expressed its opinion in a written statement filed on the debates of the European Parliament plenary session on Wednesday, on the draft resolution on “European integration process of Kosovo”.
“I welcome the debate on this resolution, as well the positive developments that were registered in the discussions on the latest report on Kosovo. I believe that the results of the reconciliation process between Albanians and Serbs are particularly important, and I agree that Kosovo authorities should make greater efforts on the integration of the Serb minority, providing the frame for using the mother-tongue and bilingual education and encouraging Serbs to take part in the political life of Kosovo. I welcome the fact that the proposal calls for the recognition of independence of Kosovo by those five Member States that have not yet done”, said Winkler in his statement.
In the same context, the MEP stated that for achieving stability in the Balkans, the EU should make some effort, too. “The recent past shows that political criteria for EU membership, including those related to the protection of the national minorities, is not enough as long as after accession the Member States are not obliged anymore to be attentive at the situation of national minorities. The solution can be provided only by a European regulatory framework regarding the protection of the national minorities. Such framework should resolve the situation of the national minorities and lead to an increased stability in the regions where these national historical minorities or linguistic are living. The actual double standard must be removed”, Iuliu Winker declared.
It is not for the first time, when Iuliu Winkler pointed out that the issue of stability in the Balkans will find the solution in the further EU enlargement process, as the democracy of the states in the region gradually intensifies. In his opinion, the European integration of the Balkan countries is the guarantee for stability in the region as long as this process is accompanied by clear standards regarding the issues of national minorities and/or religious. According to Winkler, resolving the “Copenhagen dilemma” and developing a compulsory European regulatory framework to protect national historic minority communities are obligations that can`t be postponed.