Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and a new year full of peace and joy!


EU-Australia relations: a partnership with still-untapped potential in a volatile global context

We are currently in the middle of the EU Trade Policy Review. After the reshuffling of portfolios in the Commission, and the assumption of duties by Executive Vice President V. Dombrovskis, the public consultation linked to the TPR has been prolonged until 15 November. A new Trade Policy paper from DG Trade is expected to …


Access2Markets: a new multilingual online tool coming to the aid of European SMEs

Iuliu Winkler, MEP (EPP/RMDSZ) salutes the launch of the Access2Markets online tool, which comes to the aid of European SMEs and businesses which want to engage in international trade. “SME Europe of the EPP, the EPP’s SME advocacy organisation, has long been asking for an instrument that streamlines complex regulatory frameworks for SMEs wanting to …


United in Diversity – Hearing on the Minority SafePack Citizens Initiative

Diversity in the European Union is not only diversity between Member States, but also diversity within the Member States. The Ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union made this clear, so this is the way that we understand our EU motto “United in Diversity”. The distinct and unique cultures of the national …


Trade Policy Day in the International Trade Committee of the European Parliament

Europe is in an important moment of introspection. The public health emergency did not necessarily bring new elements to the table; rather it has only accentuated changes that were already in motion, while concomitantly exposing important vulnerabilities of EU trade policy. The Trade Policy Review is a stocktaking exercise, based on lessons learned over the …


Local authorities have a key role to play in implementing the EU Digital Education Action Plan

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we learn, work and spend our free time. Of all the changes that the pandemic brings to society, moving education to the virtual environment has the deepest implications. Children and youth are affected at a decisive age in their upbringing, and as such, the digital transformation of education …


We expect non-discrimination and openness from Beijing

“The EU cannot be a partner in a traditional sense with a country whose leaders disregard international obligations and exploit pandemics. Systemic rivalry has become the overriding paradigm in our relationship. We expect China to deliver on its own commitments. Selective application of the international rules-based order is unacceptable. We expect non-discrimination and openness from …


The EU-China Agreement on Geographical Indications, an important step in the bilateral relationship

 On 6 November 2019, the negotiations on a Geographical Indications (GIs) Agreement between the EU and China were concluded in Beijing, 9 years after the negotiations were launched. On 20 July 2020, the Council adopted the decision on the signing of the above agreement. In accordance with Article 218(6) TFEU, the consent of the EP …


EU-India Post-Crisis Strategic Partnership and Cooperation

The EU and India are important strategic partners. India is the 10th trading partner of the EU, after the U.S., China, the UK, Switzerland and Norway, among others; yet, it is the second most populous country on Earth, with a huge market of more than 1.35bn people. From the top 10 trading partners of the …


Iuliu Winkler’s contribution to Critical Raw Materials in Industrial & Trade Policy

I will start the presentation by highlighting some of the consequences of the COVID crisis. This remains important for setting the scene here. The crisis has shown certain systemic limitations of the EU Trade Policy. I refer now to supply chain dependencies and pertinent discussions on the resilience of strategic sectors, given the vulnerabilities of …
