Romanian Entrepreneurs to tap into as many EU funding resources as possible over the next years

Entrepreneurs from Romania ought to tap into as many EU funding resources as possible in the next years, was the key message of MEP Iuliu Winkler, President of the RMDSZ Hunedoara County Organization, at the Entrepreneurship Forum in Kemer/Camar, where he gave a lecture entitled “EU support for businesses after 2020”, on Friday.

“The planning of the post-2020 EU budget began in the midst of great tensions in Brussels. There are several new challenges to be addressed, primarily, the consequences of Brexit that render a reduction of 13 percent in the revenue of the EU27 joint budget. Further challenges are the handling of the migration crisis and the new security policy, as substantial resources will be needed for the establishment of a common border protection capacity, efforts to combat the threat of terrorism, or the possible creation of a new EU army”, states Winkler.

“These resources are to be provided by some Member States through a reduction in the regional development and cohesion-, respectively, the agricultural policy, -funds; all necessary steps will be taken in Parliament. However, it is expected that after 2020, financial resources will be reduced for entrepreneurs, while high-complexity applications will benefit from added funding. What is there to be done? The next 3-4 years will need to be used to the fullest, all available funding sources should be called up and utilized; entrepreneurs can best prepare for the upcoming changes through a strengthening of those organizations that aim at protecting their industrial sector´s interests. It is important to strengthen chambers of commerce and it is pertinent for entrepreneurs to strive for the promotion of their interests in an organized manner. At local level, it is essential for local governments, educational institutions and entrepreneurial organizations to work together, to plan together; this will entail a higher efficiency in tapping into EU resources”, stressed Iuliu Winkler, MEP, in his presentation.