EPP is one of the most active supporters of Moldova’s European option, said MEP Iuliu Winkler (UDMR), Vice-President for International Trade (INTA) on Wednesday in Strasbourg, after the adoption of the European Parliament (EP) proposal concerning the granting of additional trade preferences to this country.
“EPP welcomes Moldova’s European option, recently reconfirmed by the recent election won by the pro-European forces, and encourages the continuation of all necessary reform processes that would bring it closer to the EU. The adoption of the EP proposal on additional trade preferences for the Republic Moldova shows once again EU’s commitment to support the European course of this State. This report introduces new measures to tackle unfair commercial practices of the Russian Federation and mitigates Russian embargo on imports of agricultural and food products in Moldova. Last year, I was rapporteur for Moldova, when the EU has proposed full liberalization of imports of Moldovan wine for the Community market after Russia banned their import. Today’s decision to supplement trade preferences complements last year’s measure of opening a EU market for Moldovan wine” said the Winkler MEP.
Winkler was shadow rapporteur for the EPP Report on the proposal for a regulation of the EP and Council introducing autonomous trade preferences for Moldova.
Russian Federation is the main market for Moldovan agricultural exports. As of July 21, 2014, Russia imposed a politically motivated ban on import of agricultural products in Moldova, which had a significant negative impact on the Moldovan economy.
The report introduces three new duty free tariff quotas for fresh apples, fresh table grapes and fresh plums being a measure of support for Moldova, which is in a difficult social and financial situation.
Agriculture accounts for about 40% of Moldova’s economy.
Russia has stepped up its economic measures against Moldova as a result of the Vilnius initialling in November 2013 of the Association Agreement, which includes an ambitious Agreement for Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA).