TTIP could accelerate European integration

A Transatlantic agreement negotiated with professionalism and to the benefit of every European, though it may seem as a paradox, could accelerate the integration process for Central and Eastern European Member States, including Romania, claims MEP Iuliu Winkler (UDMR, EPP), Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s (EP) International Trade Committee (INTA).“The concrete terms of TTIP, which …


European industry needs to adapt to new context of global trade

The European industry needs to adapt its mentality to the new context in which global trade functions; this was the main message Iuliu Winkler, MEP, vice-chair of the European Parliament’s (EP) International Trade Committee (INTA) voiced, Thursday, to representatives of the European railway industry, gathered in Bucharest.Invited to a panel discussing the competitiveness of the …


Full-fledged reform of the European dual-use export control system

European legislators will have to be very careful in the reform of European policies referring to the exports of dual use items, as new measures will have an outstanding impact over large parts of the European industry, outlined Iuliu Winkler, MEP, vice-chair of the International Trade Committee (INTA) of the European Parliament (EP), on Wednesday. …


European taxation between competition and harmonization

Tax fairness at the European Union level is a subject that reappeared on the public agenda; the related debates are often heated, with many contradictory ideas being promoted. EPP MEPs are conscious of the need to express clear positions in European debates, including those regarding the EU´s VAT taxation system. Is there a need for …


Students at the European Studies Faculty of the Sapientia University in Cluj, visiting the EP

Young people currently in their 20s will play a decisive role in what concerns the future of the European Union, affirms MEP Iuliu Winkler (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, EPP) in a meeting held on Thursday at the European Parliament with a group of students from the European Studies Faculty of the Sapientia University …


CONFLICT MINERALS: Iuliu Winkler speaks on planned EU legislation after Global Witness criticisms

The success of planned European conflict minerals legislation does not hinge on whether or not it is mandatory, Romanian MEP and vice-chair of the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee (INTA) Iuliu Winkler has said.The planned regulation, which centres on a system of conflict-free self-certification for European smelters and refiners of tungsten, tin, tantalum and gold, …


No more dirty money from conflict minerals trade

Putting an end to profits from the trade of minerals being used to fund armed conflicts while promoting responsible sourcing from conflict-affected areas is the aim of the European Parliament’s Report on an EU system for supply chain due diligence self-certification of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold (3TG) originating …


Conflict minerals: towards an efficient EU Regulation

On the 23rd of February Rapporteur Iuliu Winkler MEP (EPP), Vice-Chair of the INTA Committee presented his draft report on the EU Regulation on setting up a Union system for supply chain due diligence self-certification of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas in the …


European Year of Development

Eradicating poverty in developing countries is an important priority for the EU. Our efforts should go hand in hand with those aiming the achievement of the sustainable development goals. I welcome the European Year for Development initiative and I am convinced that an integrated European approach together with the involvement with the various stakeholders will …


New measures to counter unfair Russia trade practices in Moldova

EPP is one of the most active supporters of Moldova’s European option, said MEP Iuliu Winkler (UDMR), Vice-President for International Trade (INTA) on Wednesday in Strasbourg, after the adoption of the European Parliament (EP) proposal concerning the granting of additional trade preferences to this country.“EPP welcomes Moldova’s European option, recently reconfirmed by the recent election …
